I would recommend splitting the task into two tasks, one for each resource. That will allow you to get to the granularity needed.
I need to manage some assignments to a pretty granular level. Here's the use case:
If i assign both resources, they both start at the same time, and clarizen calc's the duration and end date accordingly. If I manually edit the second resources allocation, it sets that allocation at that level for the duration of the project. Am I trying to hard here? Seems like a pretty straightforward use case, right?
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I would recommend splitting the task into two tasks, one for each resource. That will allow you to get to the granularity needed.
So, does the system support doing it as one task?
If not, Is that the most common way to approach it? I understand doing it that way, but it seems a bit loose.
You cannot do it as one task at the moment (but will be able to later this year). You have to split the task if you want to specify that the second resource will only start working at the end of the second week. The other options is to turn on "Leaf Tasks Progress Reporting Policy" for that project. This will let you un-evenly split the work unevenly among multiple resources and the % completion each resource enters would only be for that resource's fraction of the work. However, this would still not let you specify exactly when the second resource would start working.
Is there an update on this feature getting implemented? Josh, you mentioned (10 months ago) that this would be available later in the year so did this get setup?