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How to customize the system field?

Now the Risk rate is calculate by multiple of Impact and %probability i.e.

Risk Rate = %Probability * Impact

where, impact is an standard field which input is numerical so the system has no limit in number entries.

%Probability is restricted with 100% maximum.

so it has to be standardized,

my requirement is, Impact field has to changed as an Pickup list with options High and Low 

similarly %probability also an pickup list with options High and Low 

Risk Rate have to automatically calculated based on combination as listed below 

  • Critical – High impact / High Probability
  • High – High impact / Low Probability
  • Medium - Low impact/high probability
  • Low - Low impact/low probability

Kindly let me know the whether this is possible or not?

Nivashkumar K Answered

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Unfortunately all 3 of the fields you mention are fixed and can not be edited.

However I see no reason why you could not create your own custom fields to achieve the same result.  Create your pick lists for both Impact and Probability as custom fields and then the third Risk Rate custom field will be dependant on the first two using a rule set, just as you detailed.

Phil Smith 0 votes
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Thanks Phil Smith, I have no idea on how to create rule for combination .

If any one aware kindly let me know.

Nivashkumar K 0 votes
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It's pretty simple after you build a few configurations, but there are a number of steps. I would recommend hopping on one of our free Advanced Q&A/Office Hours Webinars over here: One of our experts can walk you through the process and answer questions real-time.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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