Official comment

Correct, entering the email for the distribution list in your workflow will send the notification to the email which will then be forwarded to the members of the distribution list by your email server.
Can Clarizen send an e-mail to an e-mail distribution group.
Correct, entering the email for the distribution list in your workflow will send the notification to the email which will then be forwarded to the members of the distribution list by your email server.
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In theory, a distribution group is simply an email address (i.e. so the answer is yes. I am curious what you would like to do this for? The reason I ask is that if you plan to have responses from users there could be issues you run into such as users are not Clarizen users or do not have permissions to the object the email was sent from.
The e-mail is a notification for the team, no response is required. I was under the impression that I need to set us an e-mail user for this purpose but I guess I can put the e-mail address directly in the work flow and it should work.