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Tooltip Visibility

I would like to see the tool tip pop up appear when you hover over the Text and not only on the field name. Users do not intuitively hover over the field name. 

Shaun Kirchmann Not planned

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Won't that become a bit annoying if you get a hover effect every time you hover above a cell?

Josh Santos 0 votes
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This is something that would be useful for us too.

We use abbreviations or acronyms , for designation of businesses or customers for example we could come up with CLZ for Clarizen. It would be great if we could have tooltips so that the user would be able to determine the full name for the acronym or abbreviation. When you place your cursor over the acronym it would provide the full name. This would not be annoying but helpful for the instances where the business or customer is not easily recognized or not frequently dealt with.

Geraldine Byrd 0 votes
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This is something that would be useful for us too.

We use abbreviations or acronyms , for designation of businesses or customers for example we could come up with CLZ for Clarizen. It would be great if we could have tooltips so that the user would be able to determine the full name for the acronym or abbreviation. When you place your cursor over the acronym it would provide the full name. This would not be annoying but helpful for the instances where the business or customer is not easily recognized or not frequently dealt with.

Geraldine Byrd 0 votes
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