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Scaling on charts in reports

Is is possible to control the scaling of charts in reports so that it can be fixed?  The charts autoscale - I want to show three charts in a dashboard but the different scaling is confusing and suggests the numbers are wrong.  I can't see any way of changing the formatting, any ideas?

Sarah Spence Answered

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To my knowledge you are not able to control the scale on a graph.  I have tried (and still want) to do the same thing so that I can control the layout of the data to allow comparison easily between charts.

I'm hoping that this is included on an update soon, but am not aware whether it will be yet.

Phil Smith 1 vote
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We don't have scaling coming out in the near future, but the default formatting is currently being worked on. If you submit a ticket with some screenshot examples, we can add those to as references to the project being worked on now. Please mention CR# 300661 in the ticket.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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