I have asked for this several times, it would be a great addition
Whenever a user brings up their dashboard, the most recent data should be there.
Use case: Think of online applications for financial institutions. When I log into my brokerage account, I get the most up to date information on my portfolio. I don’t have to hit a Refresh button and they don’t have to auto refresh for me every 3 minutes.
For future reference the request ID is CR-338260.
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I have asked for this several times, it would be a great addition
Hi Phil, you have been added to the list of requesters for this feature request.
This really needs to be fixed... I dont understand why this is being labeled a "feature" to be added. it's a bug.
How does a dashboard having old data make any kind of business sense. By definition it needs to give me up to date information every time I call for it...
Please fix?
It's not really a bug, Salesforce works in a very similar way where you hit a refresh button to update dashboard data.
Oh, but it is a bug. And listing how another system also has this bug does not help the case.
By definition:
A business intelligence dashboard is a data visualization tool that displays the "current" status of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for an enterprise.
There is absolutely no argument for having a dashboard work this way. No a single reason.
We are using Clarizen. The most sophisticated Online Project Management System in the world put on this earth to help us better manage our companies in real time.
But the dashboard I'm using does not refresh automatically when I call it? Seriously?
First off, I completely hear you agree that this should be an option. There are two reasons for keeping a refresh button. One is being able to have a static dashboard for a specific period (example, end of quarter report) on data that changes frequently. If you need to freeze a dashboard, having the ability to keep it frozen until you are ready to refresh is a benefit. The second is around performance/server load to minimize dashboard refreshes since dashboards refreshes can be very taxing.
A refresh setting would be fine. "If user has not refreshed in the past 60 seconds then refresh".
But the "End of quarter" you speak of, if for some reason you need the entire dashboard at a certain point in time, just export it as PDF and keep it forever.
has the automatic refresh of dashboards been resolved?
Please add me to the list of people that would like to see an option for auto-refresh.
Hello William, it's more of an enhancement request rather than a resolution of a bug. We currently don't have an update on this enhancement request at the moment. I will update this post when I receive any new information.
Martin, I have added you to the list of requesters for this feature request.
Please add me to the Enhancement Request seeking more Refresh capabilities.
One potential solution which would work for my use case: If a pop-up could appear alerting the user when the dashboard is more than 24 hours old advising this information, and that a refresh may be necessary to see current information.
This would lessen the need to auto-refresh, but also alert the consumers of the dashboard the information may not be real-time. Because nearly every other system my users interact with offers automatic, real-time refresh, this would a reminder to my users that Clarizen does not operate in this manner.
Ideally, they should refresh automatically (as Denis Doiron points out, Clarizen is definitely unique in NOT automatically refreshing dashboards).
Matthew, I have added you and the detailed use case to the list of requesters for this feature request.
Hi Danielle,
Any update on this feature? Kindly add me to the list of requesters.
Hi all
Can you give us an update please?
(This functionality is a MustHave for my project.)
This is a critical need. We have widgets out in the world for execs and stakeholders that need real time data at a given day/time zone. Accessing the dashboard should auto-refresh the data.
Sorry, no updates yet.
while I agree to this, it should be an option. A read only dashboard in some use cases allow to freeze the picture and control the story, this is one of the only (if not THE only) way to show frozen data that is generated automatically from Clarizen... so while it makes sense to autorefresh, it also makes sense not to.
Please add me to the list of people wanting this.
Please add Turner to the list of clients requesting this real-time functionality.
Paylocity would like dashboards to refresh when accessed as well.
We would like for this feature to be implemented as well. A couple of ideas that I think could all be implemented and give users more flexibility with slightly less taxing of resources on Clarizen's end.
Hello. I would like to be added to the requestor list for this enhancement. Thank you!
Please add me to the growing list of people looking for this feature.
May I suggest a workflow action? That way it can be triggered only as needed (say when a field has been updated since the last dashboard update)