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Permissions for a Project in the Enhanced Permissions Mode


I'd like some clarification on Enhanced Permission settings:

When disabled:

  • What can a resource see on a project?
  • I know this doesn't affect managers.
  • How does this affect reviewers?

We don't want resources being able to alter the % Complete, Actual Effort, Remaining Effort and Resource. We think that disabling this might help the issue. However, we don't want to limit reviewers.

Thank you.


Kiara Ochoa Answered

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Quick note that you can prevent resources from updating % completion, actual effort, or remaining effort by using validation rules--but I don't quite understand why you would want to do that since these are the most important fields resources should be updating. Even if they are submitting timesheets, the best practice is to also have resources report % completion or remaining effort.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Here is an example of why we want to lock these down:

Two resources on a task:

- Resource A completes their part and marks it complete

- Resource B has not finished and can no longer book time because the task was marked complete

Kiara Ochoa 0 votes
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Ah, I see. Creating a configuration that would block resources from entering progress would be a huge administrative burden since managers or specific users would have to go in and mark tasks as complete.

There is a field at the task level called "Leaf Tasks Progress Reporting Policy." All you need to do is change this from Shared to Individual and that will make it so that when resources report progress, it only goes to their portion of the task. For example, if 2 resources are sharing work on a task 50/50 and one marks a task as 100% complete, that will only be for their half of the task. The task will remain open and the other resource will still be able to report time and progress for their portion.

Otherwise, if you have tasks that should never be closed (such as time categories) you can also write a rule that makes it so that only those tasks cannot be marked as complete.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thanks Josh! I will look into this, seems like it could help us!

Kiara Ochoa 0 votes
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