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Project Tasks and Tasks View

I am new to Clarizen, so this may be a training issue.

I added some projects and associated tasks to my projects, under the PROJECTS menu. When i go to TASKS view, i do not see my project related tasks there.

Are the tasks under a project not meant to show up under TASKS?
I played with the filters and teams under tasks to show only my items across all projects and still nothing.

I would like to a view of all my tasks across projects and thought i would see this in the TASKS section. But no dice.

What am i missing?

Umesh Shah Answered

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Hi Umesh, welcome to the forum. Tasks inside of a Project will also appear in the Task view, you just need to adjust your filters. I would check to make sure you are assigned as a resource to the task and you are filtering in the Task module to see tasks you are assigned. I would also look at the state of the tasks. The task could be in a "draft" state while your Task view is set to only show tasks in the "active" state. Let us know if that does the trick.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Josh, the "draft", "active" filter did it. I had to look hard on the Tasks Edit to see the filters drop-down. Thanks.

Umesh Shah 0 votes
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