This is my understanding as well. My company really needs a complete resource planning solution - and as far as I know it will be implemented in the upcoming updates. The spring release is just the first coat of paint.
The spring release allows for editing workloads by day at a project level, but do these numbers have any real significance? As far as I can tell, only the task-level hours count towards the workload for a project or resource, and these hours are still spread evenly over the span of the task and cannot be edited. This leaves Clarizen feeling as clunky as ever after the update.
I can't help but feel that the ability to edit project work-by-day is a nearly useless functionality. Am I missing something here?
David Snyder
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This is my understanding as well. My company really needs a complete resource planning solution - and as far as I know it will be implemented in the upcoming updates. The spring release is just the first coat of paint.
I think it is the first coat of paint, yes. My company would at least like to see a definite timeline for when Clarizen can deliver the full feature. Not having it has been a serious nuisance for some time now.
The current feature is optimized for demand planning and managing overall capacity--potentially even before you even have a project structure. The task level work-by-day functionality is coming up in a few months (beta is scheduled for early Q4, general release later in Q4).
Good to know, thanks.