Hi Matti,
You can create action items (which generally speaking are subset of tasks) on a WR as long as your run time criteria is not Edited/Changed (performance limitation).
Please let me know if it makes sense.
Can you create action items from a work flow. It's possible from a custom action.
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Hi Matti,
You can create action items (which generally speaking are subset of tasks) on a WR as long as your run time criteria is not Edited/Changed (performance limitation).
Please let me know if it makes sense.
Hi Tamir,
I want to create an action item and a discussion in a custom action. Can it be done in one command or I have to create 2 new items (task and a post)
Hi Matti,
It should be two different actions. 1 for discussion post and one for task. If you will create the task first you can refer to the the task by using Related Entities on the discussion post.
1. At the moment I add the post by ruining it on the object (task) I want to have the discussion on. How adding the related items help
2. The use case for this that I create 4-5 action items every time a MS is approved. (different action items based on the MS). For each on of those I need 3 actions in the CA (new task, change status to Active and a new post) and run out of room to do it in one CA. When the MS is approved an e-mail sent to the PM (WF) with a link to the CA. When they click on the link the CA is activated.
2.1 Other than creating separate CA's for each MS, is there a better way.
2.2 Is there a to activate CA directly from a WF.
2.3 Instead of creating a new post for each action items, it there a way to add the linked project to an action items post.
HI Matti,
1. You can add a conditional action with TRUE as the eval, and than you can put all the remaining actions indented under that one conditional action.
2. You can (and maybe should) use the Project as the container and put the action items (NewObject1...) as Related entity (syntax is {NewObject1};{NewObject2}....
3. Triggering a CA automatically from a WR is currently not supported.
Doing what you suggested in #2 creates a post at the proejct level where all project followers get's notified as well as at the action level item. What I need is that the post for the action items will be followed only by the owner and the PM.
A related question.
How can you filter (do no show) closed discussion .
One more,
If I create a discussion manually on an action item can I link it to the proejct level so it can be visible there.