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Resource Effectiveness Planning

Hello –

Is anyone aware of a method to address resource effectiveness on working at a project or task level?  Specifically, not all resources are equal and a junior resource will likely take longer than a senior resource to complete bodies of work.  (Furthermore, a specialist may complete a task quicker than average.)

We currently address this as a factor: 50% speed, 85% speed, 125% speed or whatever.  A resource's speed with work estimates drive our scheduling.  

A caveat I’m come across is that I want each resource to display actual utilization despite working slower or faster than average because other projects/managers need to know the resource is accurately utilized despite progressing at a non-average speed.  I’ve been playing with Calendars but don’t have the flexibly and shared reporting accuracy required.

Another idea is that work estimates could be ‘managed’ manually for the specific assigned resource, but that doesn’t allow for efficient reassignment of resources as project plans will need to be adjusted constantly.

Matt Answered

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We currently do that manually (by modifying the duration of the task according to the forecasted resource). I'm not aware of such functionality, but perhaps this can be customized and added to the system using additional fields and workflows. So for example, when a new employee joins the company the manager will need to indicate the effectiveness of his work, and in turn a workflow rule would modify the length of the task accordingly.

Guy 0 votes
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Also checked for add-ons - couldn't find any that might help.

Guy 0 votes
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You can have a custom field for resource efficiency impact scheduling via workflow rules, but it will be incredibly complex to implement--especially if you have multiple resource assignments on tasks. 

Josh Santos 0 votes
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