You need to first make sure you are selecting a reportable item. If no item is selected, or if the item is not reportable (inactive task, for example), it will be grayed out.
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Good day,
I want to use Start Stopwatch - but the button is greyed out. What do I have to do, to activate it?
Thank you.
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You need to first make sure you are selecting a reportable item. If no item is selected, or if the item is not reportable (inactive task, for example), it will be grayed out.
what do you mean with reporable task?
My whole project is actually on status inactive, due to the fact that I'm still preparing the details. It this the problem?
Thank you.
It should be it then. Try to create a dummy project and activate it. It should work this way.
Yes - you are right - thanks for your help