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Enhancement Request: Add remaining effort to timesheet entry and continue auto-updating remaining effort

It would be nice to add Remaining Effort to the timesheet entry. It is best practice in our organisation to have our consultants update their remaining effort when logging time against a task. 

Creating a custom field for remaining effort and adding that to the timesheet entry is not a viable solution, as this does not work with the in-built Clarizen functionality that automatically updates %complete, actual effort versus remaining effort etc. Creating a workflow rule that copies the custom remaining effort from the timesheet entry to the standard remaining effort field also causes problems as this prevents Actual Effort from updating for some reason.

Also, it would be nice to be able to reset the RemainingEffortManuallySet field in a workflow rule in Clarizen so that once a user has manually set the Remaining Effort field, it will then continue to automatically update as timesheets are logged and Actual Effort is updated. 

Nathan Funston Not planned

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Sounds interesting. You mean add it as a column to the Timesheets page? Because it seems to work this way.

We have consultants too that use the timesheets, and adding this column for them would supposedly answer your request. Unless I misunderstood.

Guy 0 votes
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Yes, I do mean add it as a field in the Timesheets page. So when the user logs their time, they enter the Time, then if they want to update the remaining effort, they can do that at the same time. 

Nathan Funston 0 votes
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