Outbound call configuration and security
We have a plan to call an external REST API with the outbound call feature.
However, I can't seem to find any documentation in V2 API explaining how the outbound call works. The only thing that I found is that the outbound call works like the way it used to in V1 API but I cannot find any documentation on V1 either.
Can someone help me on this?
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Yeah, I saw these posts but there is nothing that talks about securing your call to an external API.
And is there any official documentation on this?

This one, perhaps?

Thank for the help but I can't seem to find anything on outbound calls.

In this case wait a bit for Clarizen to reply, they can surely help more.

Ok, I have found what I was looking for. If anyone needs do work with outbound calls:
- Go to http://requestb.in/ and create a temporary url to receive the POST call
- Create a custom action in Clarizen, set the POST url and the token if you need any security
- Once your action is saved, execute that action.
- When the POST is made, return to your http://requestb.in/ and take a look at what the XML looks like