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Better UI workflow: more efficient way to recursively expand

Currently the only way to fully expand a subtree is to iteratively click the expand button after first selecting all child elements of the subtree.  It would be better to allow someone to double-click the [+] (or [-]) icon to the left of the subtree to achieve this.  Currently you can single-click on this icon to expand the subtree one level, but distinguishing between, and assigning different meanings to, double-click and single-click would be a huge improvement in UI usability.

Lance Luvaul Not planned

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A good suggestion.

Based on my experience from various information systems, I've never seen such a feature, and was told once that allowing this can potentially affect the servers by clogging them. So companies prefer that you do it manually instead of allowing users to mass-expand branches and by doing so - endangering their servers' performance.

Guy 1 vote
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As Guy mentioned this is restriction for performance purposes, especially in very large projects with thousands of lines. A tremendous amount of editable data can be stored in each individual row, far more than you would find even in offline solutions like MSP. Doing an expand all for the whole hierarchy would require a read-only mode or a severe limitation on the number of columns and field types that could be in the view.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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