Where exactly are you trying to do that? You can change that on the Project/Task level. If the Project is reportable, I believe the lower level will be greyed out, and vice versa.
I would like to change the default setting of 'reportable' to yes. But the option is greyed out. Is there a way to activate this?
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Where exactly are you trying to do that? You can change that on the Project/Task level. If the Project is reportable, I believe the lower level will be greyed out, and vice versa.
In the system configuration. I would like all tasks we create to be reportable by default, not the other way around.
Hi Peter, that is already the default. However in order to prevent double reporting, there are hierarchical rules. The lowest level tasks (also called the leaf tasks), are reportable by default. If you set a parent task to be reportable, it will uncheck reportable on all subitems. If you leave the default as is, then all parent tasks, milestones, and projects will not be set to reportable, but the setting "allow reporting on subitems" should be checked.