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Utilizing Resource Loads

We'd like to start utilizing resource loads, however we are struggling with how to do so. The task could have multiple people working on the task, even at the same time, which if all of the users that could end up working on the task are assigned to the task, it throws off the resource load. We've contemplated having the manager add the resource who will need to work on the task each time before the task begins, but I guess this could become tedious in our manufacturing environment if the manager must leave the production floor to go and assign each person to the task when they will be working on it. So I'm looking for the best way to utilize the resource load when multiple people may be assigned/need to work on a task depending on the day.

Ashley Sylvester Answered

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We have a similar requirement (Also in manufacturing) and have created generic users based on the skill type. 

For instance we have a generic user of 'Designer' and a pool of users who also have the skill 'Designer'.  This allows us to allocate the generic 'Designer' user to the task and carry the loading.  The other aspect you then need to sort is that the generic user needs to have a capacity that matches all of those in the skill pool (5 users with skill, generic set as 500%).

It is not a perfect work around, but it is working for us, let me know if you want extra info.

Phil Smith 0 votes
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