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A report on all users with skills selected in the filter

I would like to have a report on all users that have certain skills. I created a report that has the skills listed and yet all skills that an individual has are listed. I would like to be able to filter my report data to ONLY show the skills I have in the filter.
For future reference, the feature request ID is CR-433559.

Diana Sandura Not planned

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Hey Diana, I'm not sure if this meets your needs, but my reports show only filtered skills when I add "Skills" as related data.

For example, given this user:

...these report filters:

...and these columns:

...I get a report that displays the following results:

In other words, we filter by <User>.<Skills>.Name instead of <User>.Skills. Obviously, that doesn't help if you're looking for some other related item as well, but it may serve as a workaround :)

Richard Reeves 0 votes
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