Yes indeed. You can hover above the separator and click the arrow icon to hide the Add Related pane:
In the Work Plan page, the right side is designated to "Add Related" pane.
I do not use "Add Related" pane and it consumes a lot of "real estate" of the work plan page. Is there a way to disable this pane on UI ?
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Yes indeed. You can hover above the separator and click the arrow icon to hide the Add Related pane:
Hi Josh,
And if I have "Add Related" in our Expense Sheet Details, I want to disable it!
Is it possible?
I was only able to change an Overview and move this panel to the bottom!
Any chances to hide it tottaly?
Or as i read earlier I need to create a validation rule? In my case if user will add any file there should be a message with warning!
A validation rule is the only way I can think of, and the button will still show.
Hi Josh,
On hovering, I don't see any arrow icon in my work plan view. My simple requirement is not to have that "Add related" right side pane for most of the projects. How can I disable it so that my work plan occupies the entire screen.
Is there a gap between the Work Plan and the panels on the right? If so that is not a "Work Plan Layout." You can create a new view and select "Work Plan" in the upper right instead of a one or two column layout.