It sounds like Resource Load is the way to go. You can see both task assignments group by project in this view. The planning view shows capacity and task assignment with a very similar hierarchical setup.
Hi all,
I am currently trying to come up with a report that shows me the project and task assignment for a set of resources over a given time period.
The resource utilisation report seems to be almost doing that, however, it doesn't show which projects the resources are allocated to (and I can't add that as a further column).
Neither do I seem to be able to get hold of the project assignment data to make my own custom report that shows the project assignment and task assignment for a given period.
The resource planning view shows me what I'm after, however, when I export it, it has additional columns that I can't get rid of (other than manually deleting them in excel).
Is there something I'm missing or is there currently no way of getting hold of the project assignment data apart from the resource planning view or the built-in resource utilisation reports?
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It sounds like Resource Load is the way to go. You can see both task assignments group by project in this view. The planning view shows capacity and task assignment with a very similar hierarchical setup.
Hi Josh,
apologies that it has taken me so long to reply. You are correct, the resource load kind of provides all the info, however, I would like to combine this with other info such as time sheets etc in a report/dashboard. Ideally, something that does not require a login as our dashboard system can't handle that.
I was just surprised that most fields are available for reports, especially as project assignment featured so strongly in the recent updates.
have there been further updates to this question?
I have a similar report need