Hello Ady,
It depends on your exact requirements. How would you like to calculate the percentage (formula)?
is it possible to make a costume field that shows resource time presentage on the work plan inside the project module?
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Hello Ady,
It depends on your exact requirements. How would you like to calculate the percentage (formula)?
HI Ronald
If a task has mulitple resources assigned to it and you double click its resource field, a screen opens up that shows each resource's time presentage, i want my costume field to do the same calculation as the one done in the time presentage unit there.
Is it possible to make it look like this? | Resource Name (%) |
Thank you for your quick response
Ady Cooper
Hello Ady,
I think it's possible by creating a Relation Summary field on Task entity and summarizing resource data. You can read more about Relation Summary fields here: https://success.clarizen.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000959473-Customizing-Item-Types-Data-Objects-and-Business-Rules#h_20476420372301518608843019
I hope this helps.
Hi Roland
Its working great, Thank you very much.
Ady Cooper