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DWH Export Tool Update Request

Use Case: Portfolio Team wants a pick-list selection value updated in Clarizen from "ABC" to "ABCD".

System admin makes the update in Clarizen and the new pick-list value is populated on all historical data records in the platform.

The DWH Export Tool does not currently update the Historical records in the DWH with the new pick-list data value.  This puts the reporting from the DWH out of sync with reporting pulled directly from Clarizen. 

Issue: DWH is out of sync with Clarizen Production and reporting from both sources will not align.  Manual updated to the DWH must be performed in order to get the DWH back into alignment with Clarizen production.

Request: Update the logic for the DWH to correctly update the historical data records when the pick-list value is changed.  Clarizen production notes that the value is a change on the record therefore the changes should be propagated through to the data warehouse.

Coates, Kimberly Not planned

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