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Clarizen Link btw customer and Project

Hi ,


I am new to clarizen and I trying to create Customer and Project and trying to link both of them.

we have c_Customer field as reference to object field.

I executed below request in bulk operation and i got the response successfully but when I checked int he portal project and customer are not linked.

Could you please advice where i am doing wrong.

"requests": [
"url": "data/objects/Customer",
"method": "PUT",
"body": {
"id": "/Customer/c56c8be1-1faf-4d35-a707-f2e661b61178",
"Name": "SANTO "

"url": "data/objects/Project",
"method": "PUT",
"body": {
"Name": "PRJ - Usina Sto Antonio",
"C_Customer": "/Customer/c56c8be1-1faf-4d35-a707-f2e661b61178",


Rahul Bhandari Answered

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Hi Rahul,

This is how you can create a link between a project and a customer:

I hope this helps.


Roland Pumputis 0 votes
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