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Axis labelling in Charts

We would like to be able to choose axis display criteria, such that when graphing pick-list or multi pick-list fields we have an option to display all option values in the field on the axis. Currently Clarizen only plots axis values where there corresponding records with that value.

For example a pick-list field F with options 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. When there are only 3 records of the object containing F, with values F=1, F=1, F=4, we would like to create a bar chart with X-axis values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 where 2, 3, 5 have value 0. 

A real world example of this is where a projects have a rating in a custom field and it is necessary to show that some ratings were not recorded for sensible interpretation of the results.

Matt Gailer Not planned

Official comment


Hello Matt, 


As promised here is a reference for an internal escalation: CR-695758


Vygantas Grabliauskas
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