To be more specific i got this error for updating this field key "Send users triggered emails on behalf of the user" with a field value "true"
[General] Configuration value for key Send users triggered emails on behalf of the user can not be overriden at level User (Reference Id: 2TS6wDij4mLQED4CGFtUdt)
And for those ones i got Invalid Key errors like below :
"Automatic notification subscription of case creator, owner, assignee and evaluator"
> [General] Invalid key Automatic notification subscription of case creator, owner, assignee and evaluator (Reference Id: 1cBOrKUb3vI4oIYPdUF7fo)
"Enable email alerts"
> [General] Invalid key Enable email alerts (Reference Id: 2GtKx7Hw1YCC7K3IxxSOap)
"Notify on dependency completion"
> [General] Invalid key Notify on dependency completion (Reference Id: 3pANr9ka7PKoQADfPK5X95)