Hello Kristin,
My suggestion is to make the groups smaller so that all members of each group would be resources of the same skill level. Then these groups could be a part of a larger parent group if needed.
I hope this helps.
We have tasks that are assigned to members of the same group depending on skill levels. We are trying to use the new placeholders, by assigning a group to the tasks. The problem is that just the group placeholder alone isn't granular enough. I want to be able to create staffing request based on the Skills Required for the task as well. Is there any out of the box solution to this? I would really like to be able to use the built-in "Create Staffing Requests From Tasks"...
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Hello Kristin,
My suggestion is to make the groups smaller so that all members of each group would be resources of the same skill level. Then these groups could be a part of a larger parent group if needed.
I hope this helps.
I have tried to implement your suggestion, but now the problem I'm running into is that users need to be in multiple sub-groups but I can only mark their primary resource group in one of these. This prevents us from being able to use staffing requests/capacity planning. Or perhaps I'm not implementing your suggestion correctly...
Hello Kristin,
I think this is something that requires a better understanding of your use case. My recommendation is to work with your Clarizen CSM or AE on this.
Thank you,