Business Need: End User Perspective
End Users would like the ability to approve time using the approvals module for their direct reports when they are out of the office. The approvals module allows the end user to select all time for all people that needs to be approved with 2 clicks. This proves to be a faster method of time approval than leveraging the Timesheet view and approving time person by person.
End Users would like a filter added to the Approvals Module screen that will allow them to select a specific manager and the listing of approval below will populate the time that needs to be approved for the people that report to that selected manager.
Request UI Example image:

Use Case Example 1:
An SVP John Smith has a direct report out of the office, Sally Robin. John wants to see the list of people that Sally approves time for on the Approvals module. John will leverage the direct manager filter to select Sally Robin and the list of approvals will be filtered to the people that report directly to Sally.
Request: Need to Have
On the Approvals Module screen add a filter labeled “Direct Manager :” that references the User table. The end user should be able to select the name of a Clarizen user from a list of names. The table of approvals should only show timesheets for people that report to the Direct Manager selected. Field default value would be the "Current User" as the Approvals Module shows time that the current user can approve by default.
Request: Nice to Have
The end user can select multiple end users similar to how the platform leverage the direct manager as a filter.
Use Case Example 2:
An SVP John Smith has 2 or more direct reports out of the office, Barry Duck and Sally Robin. John wants to see the list of people that Barry and Sally approve time for on the Approvals module. John will leverage the direct manager filter to select both direct managers and the list of approvals will be filtered to the people that report directly to Barry and Sally.
Existing UI screenshots for reference: