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Automated Invoicing

Hey Team,
I was looking out to generate automated invoice from Clarizen for our clients with some specific data to be captured in- Like for eg: Project Name, description, amount chargeable etc. Is there a way to automate this report for every project so that we can run it? Thanks.

Mamta Nawani Answered

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I've just recently finished working with Doc Publisher, and although it's complex to get your head around some of the relationships between the items at first, it really is very powerful for document generation.   I prefer it to Slide Publisher for the reason that it wraps text across pages well, and also can go from Parent to child, and another step further down (in the coded comments), so it's very powerful and configurable.  Let me know if you need any help, or would like a copy of the templates we've created to get you started.

Andy Johnston (AU) 0 votes
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