Hi Rebecca,
Please try using the following instead and let me know if it works:
"Duration": {"value": 0, "unit": "Hours"}
Thank you,
We are attempting to update Timesheet durations via the API by POSTing the following JSON to https://api.clarizentb.com/v2.0/services/data/objects/Timesheet/5un2xduvus1yygwms9j7mbpqi218 :
"Duration": "0.00h"
We then receive the following error: Clarizen Admin is not allowed to Update '05/28/21' Timesheet.
The timesheets are approved, however we are able to update this same duration field via a Workflow, is this possible to do via API? Do we have to change the state first even if its not required by the Workflow?
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Hi Rebecca,
Please try using the following instead and let me know if it works:
"Duration": {"value": 0, "unit": "Hours"}
Thank you,
Thanks Roland, I gave that a try and received the same error. It looks like if I use the API to first change the state back to Un Submitted, then it will allow me to update the Duration. This could be a bit tricky for us to manage because we have workflows that automatically submit and approve anything coming from the API. I had to disable them in order to test this scenario.