Any update on this ?
I need to get the exact Resource Utilization Report using an API.
Can you please help ?
A sample SOAP code would be helpful.
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Any update on this ?
Deeksha, why do you need an API? There are plenty of reports for utilisation out of the box. Are you tacking timesheets in another application?
Hi Antony
I need this because i need to update my organization data to another DB and schedule this process to keep updating the DB everyday.
We need to check how many resources are loaded. We need something without a manual intervention
Hi Deeksha, we are planning to use AD (Active Directory) API for organisational data, which is straightforward for Clarizen. We are also talking to Clarizen about using an API for PeopleSoft. Perhaps AD API would be a good place to start.
Hi Antony
What do you mean by AD API ? Is it aTypeName? Can you provide me with a sample?
Since the Resource Load changes dynamically, I am not sure how to fetch the data using the API
Hi Deeksha, AD (Active Directory) is a is a directory service that Microsoft developed for the Windows domain networks. Using the API would enable you to update Clarizen automatically whenever users are added or removed from your company AD server.
Hi Antony
I think we are deviating away from what i actually need from Clarizen. There is a report called Resource Utilization Forecast in clarizen reports, I would like to know how do i generated the same report through the code so i can automate this instead of generating the report through Clarizen every week.
Sorry Deeksha if I have confused the query. I have quickly reviewed the fields in the Resource Utilization Forecast report. However, in the Report function, I am unable to match the field names to those available. The report is a system report, so may not be one you can replicate via the report function.
Hi - Is it possible now to download a report via API?