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multiple copies of projects being created with REST API call createAndRetrieve

I am making multiple calls to the createAndRetrieve data service through the REST API and subsequently 2 or 3 copies of the Project entity are being created. What is returned seems correct as only the number of calls is returned with the SYSID for each, which is what I expect. A sample query is below.

{"entity": {"Id": "/Project", "Billable": 1, "C_CoopData": "Yes", "Name": "BerlinRosen Public Affairs - VoterFile 2.0 Orders - October 2018", "C_BillingMemo": "See Discussion post", "C_Company": "TSComm--TargetSmart Communications, LLC", "DueDate": "2018-10-31", "C_ProductType": "150--VoterFile 2.0", "C_TargetSmartPriority": "Standard", "ProjectType": "VoterFile 2.0", "StartDate": "2018-10-01", "Manager": "/User/dbe77ca8-27df-4233-b03b-516b8178679c", "C_CustomerName": "/Customer/C00579", "ProjectManager": "/User/dbe77ca8-27df-4233-b03b-516b8178679c"}, "fields": ["SYSID"]}

Do you have any ideas as to why multiple projects would propagate? Any guesses would be appreciated. Like I said, the return from multiple calls structured the same as the example return the same number of records. 
Also, of note, only the project with the SYSID returned is completely correct, in particular the BillingStatus. Is it possible that a Workflow rule may be propagating the extras after the fact? I have looked at what is in place and have not found anything, but if you say it is possible, I will dig deeper. 

Daniel Kelly Answered

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Hi Daniel,

For each API request Clarizen creates only one entity. If indeed you are calling the API once and you see multiple projects created my only guess is that a workflow is duplicating the project. 

Another reason can be an integration with a 3rd party system ,like SFDC or JIRA, that can "bounce" the project back to Clarizen.


I hope this helps,


Elad Franklin
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