Following this question. We also saw this error message this morning when trying to move a subproject's milestone into a different subproject.
I have tried to import XML data from MS Project into Clarizen. My file size is less than 10 MB. File gets validated but while uploading it throws an error
An error has occurred
The given key was not present in the dictionary. - (NULL)
I'd like to know what this error means and how can this be resolved.
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Following this question. We also saw this error message this morning when trying to move a subproject's milestone into a different subproject.
What version of MS Project was used to generate the XML? We also recommend submitting a support ticket so that we can evaluate the file.
Please note a XML created in any program besides MS Project will not work.
I am having the same issue with XML import into clarizen. I am using MS Project Professional 2013. The MS Project XML file is much smaller than 10 MB.
Please submit a support ticket and we'll have a look.
I am also receiving the same error message and am also using Microsoft Project 2013. My file size is 868 KB. Has a ticket already been submitted for this yet?
Hello Isaac,
We recommend you opening one and attach the XML as well as the MS Project file so we can take a look.
Hi Tom,
I opened a ticket with Bea Genthner (#56001) and this issue has been resolved.