Hi -
I am attempting to generate a hyperlink to a user's Timesheet which goes to a specific week as well as certain View. I don't particularly need the View, but I require specific filters.
The HTML I have so far is:
<a href='https://app2.clarizen.com/Clarizen/TeamSpace/Timesheet?IGL=14&IGLP={ToString(WeekStart,'yyyy-MM-dd')};{GetRuntimeParameter(CurrentUser())}' target='_blank'>Week of {Left(ToString(WeekStart),10)}:</a>
WeekStart is a variable specifying the specific date.
Selecting the correct week is working, but I continue to get blank filters:
Example URL: https://app.clarizentb.com/Clarizen/TeamSpace/Timesheet?IGL=14&IGLP=2019-02-17;#.#############.###########