To add/invite a new user:
- Go to the People page and check that the user is not already in the list.
- There's an option called Invite User.
- Once this happens, they get an email invite but it doesn't stay active very long so they must use it straight away. If that doesn't work, you can tick the name of the new user, go to Admin, and click Reset Password. This will send them a link.
You will also need to assign a license to the user. You can purchase and assign licenses through the People page.
To purchase licenses:
- Contact your Clarizen account manager for a quote and follow their instructions for purchase after going to Utilities and Buy New Licenses.
To assign licenses:
- Once the Licenses are purchased, tick the name of the user, go to Admin, Licenses and Assign License from Existing Licenses.
I hope this helps!
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