Keep in mind you can override the system calculations by clicking in the field and setting your own status. You can also use workflow rules to set this.
FollowWork Item Status Calculation
Please make the sensitivity/calculation of the work item status (on track, at risk, off track) configurable. In our use-case, our tasks are either complete or not complete (we use the toggle on/off and NEVER % to track task completion). Our projects and tasks are ALWAYS showing as off track, because no 'effort' is marked until the task is complete and at that time the 'expected effort' is automatically recorded as 100%.
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Thank you for the response, Josh. This is the way our entire Clarizen instance operates - tasks are either complete or not. It wouldn't be feasible to manually edit each and every field and set the status. Perhaps a workflow rule could do the work for us? Do you have a recommendation on how to go about creating this WFR?