Hi Kristin,
What would be the context in which you would want to use the timezone? Is it just as a reference or the intent is to have functionality associated with the different timezones?
We need to be able to assign a Time Zone to a project, what's the best way to go about this?
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Hi Kristin,
What would be the context in which you would want to use the timezone? Is it just as a reference or the intent is to have functionality associated with the different timezones?
Hello Marie, I need to be able to use it in a formula such as ToTimeZone (dateTime as DateTime, fromTimeZone as ObjectIdentifier, toTimeZone as ObjectIdentifier) to calculate times in which deliverables are due based on resource(user) locations and a fixed project time zone time.
Project Time Zone: (UTC -5)
User Time Zone: (UTC +3)
Report Due to Customer:
8 AM (in project time zone)
3 PM (in user time zone)
There should be a way to do it with configuration, but it will by tricky.
Thank you for adding details Kirstin. Unfortunately, this is not something I am familiar with. I hope someone comes along soon to give you some guidance. Good luck!
Josh, could you please elaborate?
It should be possible to store a time zone at the project level and create a rule that will apply a modifier to each one (+1 hour, +2 hours, etc) to due dates, but the rule would be very complex. This would almost definitely have to go through your Professional Services consultant.