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Clarizen Slide Publisher Enhancement Request - Expansion of Date Filtering

I have a monthly project report that covers all projects within our portfolio.  The report is run and presented in the middle of each month.  One of the lists that I want to show in this report is "all projects completed or cancelled within the past 30 days"... basically since the last review meeting.

Using the "Actual End Date" field, the current list of possible date filters includes "This Month", "Last Month", "Last Quarter" or "Last Year", none of which fully captures the last 30 day period that I want to cleanly show.

I would have even been reluctantly okay with filtering for "Last Quarter" and dealing with the extra data.  Unfortunately numerous projects were completed just after our mid-March report and none of them showed up in my April 22 report because they were literally completed in the "Last Quarter", which means no credit for completed projects!

Other Clarizen date field filters include an option for "In the past __ days", or similar option for weeks or months.  It would be VERY helpful to have this same expanded functionality in Slide Publisher to limit reporting of data to a more defined period of time. 


Jim Swain Not planned

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