Official comment
In order to get a user with his skills you can use entityQuery request with relations:
POST /data/entityQuery
"typeName": "User",
"fields": ["Name"],
"where": {
"leftExpression": { "fieldName": "ExternalId" },
"operator": "Equal",
"rightExpression": {"value" : "43zq0gqzho109yzd6h83rgvat1991"}
"relations": [ { "name":"Skills", "fields": ["Name"] } ]
This will return you all selected users with their skills.
You can add other relations to the query like Rates, ReportedTimesheets etc. For each relation you can specify the list of fields that you want to get.
You can get the list of available relations using the following request:
POST /metadata/describeEntityRelations
"typeNames": ["User"]
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