Hello Juan,
Here's an example on how to filter by project ID: GET https://api.clarizen.com/V2.0/services/data/Query?q=SELECT Name FROM Project WHERE SYSID = "P-41501"
Please let me know if that answers your question.
Thank you!
Hello All Could someone please point me in the right direction.
I have a Script that runs, that need to reference the current project's Id and inject it into my czql query.
var projectsQuery = "Select Name, C_WorksiteAddress, C_GPSLocation, Description, TrackStatus, PlannedRevenue, DueDate, Duration from Task " +
"where C_WorksiteAddress<>'' AND State='Active' AND Project='" + [I NEED IT TO GO HERE] + "' limit 1000 ";
I've tried
None is working.
Any guidance in how to reference the ID will be appreciated.
Thanks Juan
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Hello Juan,
Here's an example on how to filter by project ID: GET https://api.clarizen.com/V2.0/services/data/Query?q=SELECT Name FROM Project WHERE SYSID = "P-41501"
Please let me know if that answers your question.
Thank you!