I have just found a way of achieving this, by adding the project to the risk 'work items' list (as well as the original sub item) - but this seems to be a bit clunky. - can a workflow rule be created to automatically assign the parent project as a work item?
FollowRisks assigned to a milestone not visible at project level
If I create a risk at a project sub item level e.g. on a milestone, it is not visible at project level, even if the 'Resolved in Project' is set to the project. It makes it really difficult to view all the risks specific to a project - you have to go off to a different risk page and apply filters or generate a report......or am i missing something here, is there a way to view them all just by going into the project.
Note that they are aggregated at Program Level, if you have a program - it seems like it needs this at project level as well.
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