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How the api denotes dates and time.

In my user profile (that accesses the api) the time zone is set as the below:

(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)


When pulling some dates from clarizen I have noticed T21 T05 T13, I am trying to figure out the pattern and how best to work with this.

Any links to documentation I may have missed would be greatly appreciated.


I inserted a date from T01 to T24 and show the results int he below screenshot.


I am wondering why clarizen is putting a T13 for every one.

I see that the date changes from the 10th to the 11th at row 7 due to the timezone setting in my profile - but why is clarizen putting t13 for all of them and what does that mean here?


My concern is when I pull a date like shown in column c, where is the information to tell me that it is the 10th or 11th in column d?

I have attached a screenshot of the tests I have ran,

Jared Thompson Answered

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Hello Jared,

Let me explain how Clarizen works with dates and time.

Let say you insert a work item with some "start date". We do the following:

  1. Convert the date/time to your timezone. It may change the date to the previous day or to the next day.
  2. Adjust the date/time to the beginning of a working day according to the calendar. For the "due date" we adjust to the end of a working day. This also may change the date.
  3. Convert it to UTC (aka GMT)

So in your case for start date you should see time as 13:00:00 and the due date as 21:00:00 which is 8 am and 4 pm in your time zone.


Alex Broitman
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Hello Jared,

You can see if it's 10th or 11th in column C and it matches column D:

I think that T13 is 1 PM UTC when it is 8 AM UTC-5 (when the workday starts based on your calendar settings).

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


Roland Pumputis 0 votes
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Hello Roland,

that is what I thought at first, but I have been testing insertion times at different times of days and that does not seem to be the case.

Here is an example of inserting a task at 10:50am and clarizen is showing it as T13 still.

Jared Thompson 0 votes
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Hello Jared,

I think the task simply defaults to 8 AM (T13 in UTC time). This is done for scheduling purposes.

I hope this clarifies.

Thank you!

Roland Pumputis 0 votes
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I do see that not only T13 is there but also T21 and two others so I don't think it is a default like you said - but I will continue to dig in and see if I notice any patterns.

Jared Thompson 0 votes
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Hello Jared,

T21 is 4pm, so probably the end of the working day.

Best regards,


Roland Pumputis 0 votes
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