How to create a new task and link it with a project using API
I have created the task and now I want to link the task to Projet and I am using the below code in C#
Entity link = new Entity();
link.Id = new EntityId();
link.Id.TypeName = "WorkItemHierarchyLink";
//Create a field that references the parent task Id
FieldValue parentRef = new FieldValue();
parentRef.FieldName = "Parent";
parentRef.Value = parentTask.Id;
if (((ClarizenAPIIntegration.ClarizenSvc.CreateResult)queryResults1).Id.Value.Count()> 0)
FieldValue childRef = new FieldValue();
childRef.FieldName = "Child";
childRef.Value = ((ClarizenAPIIntegration.ClarizenSvc.CreateResult)queryResults1).Id.Value;
FieldValue typename = new FieldValue();
typename.FieldName = "typeName";
typename.Value = "Task";
link.Values = new FieldValue[] {
I am not able to create a link between the Project and Task. Please help me
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