Managing Groups
User Groups are a great way to sort users based on their department or location within your organization, and set the group calendar, timezone, language, etc.
This page describes the way you manage groups and includes the following sections:
- Adding a New Group
- Adding Members to a Group
- Managing the User Group Calendar
- Applying User Group Setting on Members
Adding a New Group
Click on the "Add Group" option from the toolbar.
Enter the required information in the corresponding fields.
Once you are done click Finish.
Adding Members to a Group
Highlight the relevant group on the grid view and click on the "Manage Members" dropdown on the toolbar.
You can then select whether you would like to add a sub group or individual users into the selected group.
You can then browse through user groups or users, and filter for relevant users.
Select the users on the left hand side and then click on the "Add" button to add the user(s) into the user group.
Once you're done click Save.
Tip: Add placeholder resources to a group for easier project intake. For more about working with placeholder resources, see Resource Management Best Practices. To learn how to create placeholder resources, see Adding Placeholder Resources.
Managing the User Group Calendar
To manage the user group calendar, select the relevant group from the grid and then click on the "Edit" option in the toolbar.
You can then select the Calendar tab and edit the calendar to include the groups working hours, project availability, holidays and the like.
To apply the calendar onto the group members, be sure to click the Calendar option from the "Apply on Members" dropdown.
Applying User Group Setting on Members
To apply the settings of the group onto the group members, click on the "Apply on Members" dropdown and select the relevant setting, which include: Time Zone, Language, Calendar, Direct Manager or All.
Applying these settings to the group members will override their existing settings.
I noticed that all user groups are marked as Public by default and are locked fields, can't be changed. Why are these public groups? I would think you would want them to be private.
"Highlight the relevant group on the grid view and click on the "Manage Members" dropdown on the toolbar." On my screen it's called "Apply on Members".