If you are meaning when building custom actions or workflows, then yes you can nest multiple functions, I have done it many times.
Is it possible to build nested functions? I haven't tried and didn't see anything in the community forum or knowledge base. If so, will this work with any of the functions or only certain ones?
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If you are meaning when building custom actions or workflows, then yes you can nest multiple functions, I have done it many times.
Phil, would you be able to provide an example? I'm trying to build a nested function into the output message of a Val Rule and "IsNull" expects exactly 1 argument. I had {If(IsNull($Field1, "Field is Blank", If (IsNull($Field2, "Field2 is Blank, "")} Thanks in advance!
Hello Matthew,
I believe that it should be {If(IsNull($Field1), "Field is Blank", If(IsNull($Field2), "Field2 is Blank", ""))} instead.
Please let me know if this works.
Thanks Roland. Such a silly mistake that can cause so many headaches. I didn't catch it in Notepad++ either.
Happens to everyone :)
Roland, any ideas as to what function I should use to run through a series of statements to check if a field is not blank, if it is blank, to output a message (e.g. - "Update Field 1"), then move to the next statement with similar logic. I feel like an IF-THEN function would work, but each statement isn't dependent on the predecessor.
My objective is to not have any output if any of the tested statements are false since I want to use an unordered list for slightly better organization/presentation in the Val Error message. If it's recommended to not use HTML for this, then I won't. Thanks!
Hello Matthew,
Am I correct to say that you want something like this?
$Field1: non-blank
$Field2: blank
$Field3: non-blank
$Field4: blank
Function output: "Field2 is blank, Field4 is blank"
If so, what is the total number of these fields?
Roland, yes, that's correct, but can they be in a list so it's more distinguishable? I've written this, but there has to be a faster and more efficient way to output the blank fields. The way my message is written below always creates a "bullet" if the output if true.
<li>{If(IsNull($C_KPIStartDate),"Enter KPI Start Date","")}</li>
<li>{If(IsNull($C_Kick_offDate),"Enter Kick Off Date","")}</li>
<li>{If(IsNull($C_TargetLiveDate),"Enter Current Forecast Go Live Date","")}</li>
<li>{If(IsNull($C_GoLiveDate),"Enter Go Live Date","")}</li>
<li>{If(IsNull($C_TotalServicesRevenueLive),"Use Custom Action to Take Revenue Live","")}</li>
<li>{If(IsNull($C_ClientSurveyContactFirstName),"Enter Client Survey Contact First Name","")}</li>
<li>{If(IsNull($C_ClientSurveyContactLastName),"Enter Client Survey Contact Last Name","")}</li>
<li>{If(IsNull($C_ClientSurveyContactFullName),"Enter Client Survey Contact Full Name","")}</li>
<li>{If(IsNull($C_ClientSurveyContactEmail),"Enter Client Survey Contact Email","")}</li>
Hello Matthew,
I don't think you'll find an easier way than that. However, I would write the above code slightly differently:
{If(IsNull($C_KPIStartDate),"<li>Enter KPI Start Date</li>","") +
If(IsNull($C_Kick_offDate),"<li>Enter Kick Off Date</li>","") +
If(IsNull($C_TargetLiveDate),"<li>Enter Current Forecast Go Live Date</li>","") +
... +
If(IsNull($C_ClientSurveyContactEmail),"<li>Enter Client Survey Contact Email</li>","")}
Please let me know if this works.