We do not recommend using the SOAP API if you can avoid it as we are shifting focus to REST. Performance will always be better with REST due to improved caching and other features not available in SOAP.
Has anyone attempted to optimize the SOAP API? I am writing a web application to copy a milestone and all of the children of the milestone, but since I have to make 4 create calls (one to create the milestone, one to associate it to a project, one to create the children and one to associate them to the newly created milestone), it takes a very long time to process. Even processing a milestone with only 3 children takes > 8 seconds.
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We do not recommend using the SOAP API if you can avoid it as we are shifting focus to REST. Performance will always be better with REST due to improved caching and other features not available in SOAP.
Hello Josh,
I'd like to react to your answer. Does "SOAP API" refer to the API described here? : http://usermanual.clarizen.com/web-service-api-guide
We are using this API on some applications, and I'd like to know if this API is going to get obsolete anytime soon, or if REST API is going to be more stable than the other API in the future (less breaking changes in structure and methods).
Should I put extra efforts to convert my code from Web service API to REST API to limit the risk of future breakdown due to Clarizen API?
Thank you in advance,