I've been trying to use the new Financial Planning functions, specifically GetTotalFinancialSummaryForFixedPeriod().
I've put it into a workflow to update a custom field (Currency) with the value from the function.
I've been using the documentation on https://success.clarizen.com/hc/en-us/articles/205712048-22-2-Clarizen-Functions#GetTotalFinancialSummaryForGivenPeriod_Function_Samples and the examples given but constantly getting an error when it runs:
An error occurred while executing action '1 - Update Field' in a configuration named 'Update Actual Cost for Budget Period from Time Phased Financial Data': Update of field 'C_ActualCostforBudgetPeriod' cannot be performed on object '[PROJECT-NAME]'.
This is my rule which I believe is to spec as per the documentation but there seems to be no reason why it fails. Anyone have any ideas?
GetTotalFinancialSummaryForGivenPeriod(CurrentObject(),'ActualCost',$C_BudgetPeriodStartDate, $C_BudgetPeriodEndDate)
Furthermore, it would be great to get some additional examples on the documentation to support working these issues through.