Hi Max - are you familiar with the Financial Planning capabilities we have been releasing during Q3-Q4 this year?
Dear Clarizen Community,
We face an issue to easily display project CAPEX & OPEX.
We are a company that has no dedicated project managers, and the people, who are managing projects do them along with their daily work - we have therefore set all labor hour rates to 0.
All I want to show is:
Planned CAPEX / Spent CAPEX / Planned vs. Spent Capex
Planned OPEX / Spent OPEX / Planned vs. Spent Opex
and that they can add such expenses e.g. to a certain task or to the project in general.
Below the financials fields we are using at the moment.
Maybe one of you has tackled a similiar problem within your company.
Regards and thanks
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Hi Max - are you familiar with the Financial Planning capabilities we have been releasing during Q3-Q4 this year?
Hi Max - this is exactly what Financial Planning feature does. You can add Non Labor Resource expenses (budget & actual) to Projects and Tasks and have added standard fields:
Budget Capex / Actual Capex
Budget Opex / Actual Opex
You can easily add Planned vs Spent Capex & Opex as custom fields.
Please reach out to your CSM and we'll be glad to take you through it.