I've written an integration with your REST API and it has been working well for several months. Recently one call is failing to the EntityQuery end-point.
Logins and session status call with use the same methods work just fine. I'm using a Node with Express to send the requests.
I can see the body I'm sending in my request.
REQUEST { url: 'https://api2.clarizen.com/v2.0/services/data/entityQuery',
type: 'POST',
headers: { Authorization: 'Session 3c644f4d-3820-4034-b982-5d423ca04574_240474' },
json: true,
{ typeName: 'Task',
fields: [ 'Name', 'Manager.Name', 'DueDate' ],
orders: [ [Object] ],
paging: { limit: 50 },
where: { and: [Object] } },
callback: [Function] }
REQUEST make request https://api2.clarizen.com/v2.0/services/data/entityQuery
But I still get this error:
{ errorCode: 'MissingArgument',
message: 'Missing argument: typeName',
referenceId: '3vxNCV5viMeyuEMK9WTjd6'
Now if I make the same request using Postman it works. What can you tell me about the error reference. Is the body empty on your side? Is it wrapped in something unexpected?
Thanks for your help.
- dan