I'm sure there's some crazy number, but for my use of dozens of emails a day - it's more than enough. How many alerts do you need? If it's a lot then in some cases a dashboard is the way to go.
Hi Guys,
I would like to create a Workflow to send email to Project Owner and Managers when the State of some specific task is changed and the workflow rule works fine.
However, can anyone tell me if there is any Daily/Weekly/Monthly limit on number of email to be sent?
Many thanks,
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I'm sure there's some crazy number, but for my use of dozens of emails a day - it's more than enough. How many alerts do you need? If it's a lot then in some cases a dashboard is the way to go.
The situation is, Dashboard or Report would be kind of "Pull" concept which means users have to self-initiated to login and check.
What users want is: If there is any significant update (e.g. 'At Risk', 'Off-Track', 'Cancelled','Completed') happened on some "Predefined/Pre-specified" (i.e. not all) tasks or projects, they want to get email alert from system.
The original design is create a new Post at Project Discussion Group whenever there is significant update happened on all projects/tasks, they are okay with this approach as it can also be treated as Audit Trail purpose. However, this would cause Email Flooding issue when the "Notify me" is 'On Every Post'.
What we planned to do is
1) Change "Notify me" of all user account to 'None'
2) Setup workflow rule to sent alert for some types of task/project
As we just started using Clarizen for Project Management, we cannot provide accurate estimation on # of emails to be sent each day, but by wild guessing, would it be a problem if the daily number is 100?
It depends on the number of licenses and the other configurations that you have running, but the limit is going to be much higher than 100.
Hi Josh,
What is the calculation forumula?
Would it be just for counting No. of Emails Sent, or it includes API call or somethings else also?
It is based on API calls, which I believe is set at 1,000 per day, per license, up to a max limit of a million calls per day.