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Exporting the reports list view

In the reports module you can obviously create a view to show all reports with desired columns and filtering. What would be nice is to be able to export that view to a spreadsheet. This can be very handy for helping to manage our reports database. I built such a report by hand and it was very time consuming.

Timothy Jacobs Not planned

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Looking for a way to export a listing of the reports: Name, Number, owner, etc.  We should be able to report on the listing of report just like any other object in Clarizen.

Coates, Kimberly 2 votes
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I recently had to create a list of all user-created reports and dashboard, which were potentially impacted by a change in our portfolio hierarchy. I was surprised that exporting the list of reports to Excel wasn't an option.

My work-around was to use CZQL queries via the API to get the relevant Report and ReportsHierarchyLink objects, convert the JSON responses to CSV, and then manipulate them in Excel.

That such effort is necessary is absurd. Please correct the oversight, thanks!

Richard Reeves 1 vote
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I know this is a pretty old thread, but I just had a need to identify reports and cleaning up our instance of Clarizen. I was also looking for duplicate efforts that had been created across our organization that I wanted to share with our Consultants. Without a way to export this was quite difficult. This does seem to be a bit of a feature oversight. Not entirely critical, but seems like an easy win that would make management of the tool easier for admins, which in turn increases engagement for other users as they will actually look at reports without feeling like they're drowning in information.

Amanda K Brown 1 vote
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Can we get the option to either export the list of reports or to create a report about reports? 

Emily Spencer -1 votes
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